August 11, 2023

Brand New Eco-Allotment Grand Opening

Following the announcement of our Bless Community Support Eco-Allotment space we’re thrilled to invite you all to a Grand Opening of this very special space.

Venue: Eco-Allotment Space, Harewood Lane Allotments, Upton.

Date: Friday 11th August

Time: 12.00pm - 2.00pm

GRAND OPENING DAY together with National Highways and Partners.

Our brand new allotment space is being launched and we’ll be showcasing some of the wonderful activities that will be taking place in our amazing new space….including the amazing transformation provided by our partners over the last few months.

We have a fabulous covered space should the weather decide to be typically English and lots of lovely areas to sit and enjoy a bit of peace in nature.

Who’s coming??? Free refreshments, face-painting and  goodies and not to forget a visit from special guest!