Fabulous Eco-Allotment Space Announced


You may have noticed some comings and goings on the Upton Parish Council Eco Allotment spaces recently.

We’re thrilled to announce that we now have space on a fantastic Eco-allotment. Provided by Upton Parish Council, we’ve been working together with our allotment officer Angie to bring this next step on our Bless journey to life.

Additionally, at the same time as securing this brand new space, we were approached by National Highways and Octavius about how they could get involved with supporting Bless Community Support and the next programme to be made available in our area for community and environmental projects.

Announcing "Little Buds @Bless" an environmental programme to be held on this brand new allotment space.

We are in absolute awe of the work that’s been gifted through this project, the volunteer teams involved and the partners that have come on board and donated and generously gifted essential items required to bring our Little Buds programme to life. Thank you to each and every one of you!

Sooooo……….LITTLE BUDS -  Bless Community Support Eco-Allotment is about to be launched after months of hard work. We’ll be celebrating with a grand opening on Friday 11th August where we’ll get our special partner guests together to thank them for everything that has been done and share with them the impact that this fantastic gift will offer to our community.

Keep your eyes peeled for all the special sessions which are currently in the making behind the scenes. Our focus is on the environment, learning about insects, growing fruit & veg and creating wellbeing and community cohesion.

#blesscommunitysupport #littlebudsatbless #littlebudsenvironmentalprogramme #nationalhighways #octavius #communitysupport #communitylearningprogrammes #eco-allotment #uptonparishcouncilecoallotment