The Queens Award for Voluntary Service Nomination

We are extremely proud to have been nominated for The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service.  This nomination symbolises the service excellence provided to our community through our space, volunteers and the social activities and support we offer each week.

This special nomination is backed by just some of the amazing people that attend and utilise our community services - one of these special people is Kathleen Cropper who is 70 years of age and attends Bless twice per week.

Kathleen writes: "My husband and I have lived in this village for 50 plus years , But this is the first time ever we have had community services like Bless in our village for all ages to be part of, the old and young alike. Julie and the volunteers are amazing and put their heart and souls into Bless, the people who attend and they welcome everyone with open arms.

I cannot praise Bless and Julie Green and her team enough, they gives so much support to the local community through the groups and people who need it individually too, I know this from personal experience. They have help me in emergencies when I had no-one.

They are the most kindest and most thoughtful people I know ,always thinking of and helping other people be supported. They run multiple weekly groups such as Afternoon tea, Memory group meetings (this is so close to my heart as my husband suffers with Alzheimer’s and The group is a real lifesaver in difficult times). They also run crochet classes for adults and children’s events and trips.

The volunteers at Bless have given, and is still giving to the local community week in week out, this will continue whether or not this nomination is successful. But it would wonderful if all this could be officially recognised through The Queen’s Award for Julie and her team. The village was forgotten long ago and we feared the future more after covid but this team have rebooted our beliefs, inspiration and future back on a positive and strong community journey again. Where we would be without these volunteers?? I dread to think. They supported us in lockdown 5 day a week with hot meals delivered ,shopping, supported the local pharmacy with medication delivery on foot most of the time! And a helpline anytime. This is the level they have gone to over the last 3 years for the community.

For more information about our social activities and community services:

"My husband and I have lived in this village for 50 plus years , But this is the first time ever we have had community services like Bless in our village"
Weekly Afternoon Tea, Quiz & Activities